If I'm feeling any kind of disturbance, I stop (pause) and ask myself, "what's going on?" This is my spot check inventory (AA 12&12, pg 90-91). My main objective is to find out why I'm disturbed - what my part in the problem is - not what someone else did. I stay on my side of the street. Doing this kind of work requires that I ask God (HP) for help. I look at what I need to do, take the action, give the rest to God and move on.
If I don't receive an answer or am still disturbed, I need to look at what's bothering me further - in depth. This is when I do a form of 10 step called a Statement of Struggle (it follows the steps). I'll share it with you here:
1. I'm powerless over...and my life becomes unmanageable when...
2. I have faith that...
3. I've made a decision to...
4. In my past...
5. E.N.O.M.W. (The exact nature of my wrongs)...
6. I'm entirely ready...
7. I'm humbly asking God (HP)...
8. I'm willing to make amends...
9. I'm changing by...
10. I feel...
11. I'm praying for...
12. I've learned...
Statement of Goals
When I'm done, I share it with my sponsor and 2 other people. Also, if I haven't received any peace, I know there is more work I need to do (another statement of struggle). Usually, after doing the first statement of struggle, I know what the next one should be about. If not, one of the people I've shared with has given me an idea during their feed back.
These are pretty powerful - be prepared to learn a lot about yourself. I find the hard part is sitting down and doing them. Let me know how they work for you.
At the end of the day I do a Vowel 10 Step. I'll share this with you at another time.
At the end of the day I do a Vowel 10 Step. I'll share this with you at another time.
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